Why Buy from Us

9 reasons why you should buy from us

  1. Unique Pieces
    The photos represent a one of a kind piece.  Upon your purchase it will be replaced by a new, unique item.
  2. Best Prices
    All of our pieces are of superior quality, while priced much more competitively.
  3. High Quality
    We are able to build a special collection from thousands of pearls, just for you.
  4. Certificate of Authenticity
    Every purchase includes a certificate that provides proof of origin, classification, and quality.
  5. Satisfaction Guaranteed
    If for some reason you are not satisfied with your purchase, you can return the product within 10 days of your purchase.
  6. Fast Delivery
    All purchases are shipped the following business day.
  7. Free Shipping
    Free shipping is available via USPS Priority Mail with delivery confirmation and insurance, which will arrive in 5 to 6 business days. We also offer faster delivery through USPS Express Mail or FedEx.
  8. Tax-Free Shopping
    Your purchase online is Tax free.
  9. Free Gift Box included!